Profile: Justice Corblah
Justice Corblah

Justice Corblah @Elchapo 


If we give freely of my time and energy for others the Creator will replenish us. #Help
Justice Corblah

Justice Corblah @Elchapo 

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Our mission is to be the ultimate media platform where black people can speak freely and share ideas without fear of censorship. Let’s huddle together to share knowledge, to believe in our greatness and to inspire others towards unity.

We are the only black-owned networking platform in the world where you are rewarded for promoting black culture, pride and excellence.

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Marketplace Items




  The Last African Worldviews Session - Open Table Discussion.


When: 2024-06-08 12:00:00: Saturday June 8, 2024 (12:00 PM - 3:00 PM) - EDT (America/New York)
Duration: 3 hours
Add to Calendar: Google | Yahoo | Outlook.com | Device

Online: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84428606485

Responses: 4 plan to attend · 0 maybe · 1 declined

The Last African Worldviews Session - Open Table Discussion.  - June 8, 2024
Open table discussion.

We look forward to hear your viewpoint.

Event Type: Community

Funding Requests

Hi everyone I am a student seeking for your help I need money to pay my hostel and schools fees. Please I need help and the registration will be closed tomorrow morning
Musa Adam Isa is requesting 10,000 in donation.
Most recent donors:
Donated 100 - 2024-03-14 00:30:06
Donated 100 - 2024-02-18 14:07:17
Donated 50 - 2024-02-17 11:31:40
Donated 10 - 2024-02-17 11:09:42
Donated 100 - 2024-02-17 06:56:35
Good evening sir
Donated 1 - 2024-02-17 06:26:55
Donated 5 - 2024-02-17 06:21:00
Donated 2 - 2024-02-17 04:52:07

368 Received

4% collected:
Goal: 10,000

Podcast/radio Shows

"Paramedic Saves a Child while Off Duty"

In this series we will be conversing with professionals from different industries, discussing their journey on how they became 'The Professionals You Should Know.

Today we sat down with Tanoh Asamoah-Danso who is a Paramedic at East Of England Ambulance Trust. He graciously sat down with us to share his passion to help, the significant impact he's making on individuals within various communities and the hopes he wishes to see as his industry progresses for the better.

R3 Physiotherapy: Paramedic Saves a Child while Off Duty

Book Suggestions

"The Covenant of Water"

Spanning the years 1900 to 1977, The Covenant of Water is set in Kerala, on South India’s Malabar Coast, and follows three generations of a family that suffers a peculiar affliction: in every generation, at least one person dies by drowning—and in Kerala, water is everywhere. At the turn of the century, a twelve-year-old girl from Kerala’s long-existing Christian community, grieving the death of her father, is sent by boat to her wedding, where she will meet her forty-year-old husband for the first time. From this unforgettable new beginning, the young girl—and future matriarch, known as Big Ammachi—will witness unthinkable changes over the span of her extraordinary life, full of joy and triumph as well as hardship and loss, her faith and love the only constants.

A shimmering evocation of a bygone India and of the passage of time itself, The Covenant of Water is a hymn to progress in medicine and to human understanding, and a humbling testament to the difficulties undergone by past generations for the sake of those alive today. It is one of the most masterful literary novels published in recent years.




Terrible/Excellent Meter


Facebook has a problem with black people, former employee charges:
Facebook’s Secret Censorship Rules Protect White Men From Hate Speech But Not Black Children: Facebook has a problem with black people, former employee charges:

Facebook’s Secret Censorship Rules Protect White Men From Hate Speech But Not Black Children:"

Facebook announces ban of high-profile users: NOI’s Louis Farrakhan makes the list:

Is Facebook Racist? Research Suggests Ad Platform Uses Stereotypes:

Facebook while black: Users call it getting 'Zucked,' say talking about racism is censored as hate speech:

Challenge: Trivias

   History of the Black Panthers for 3 Trivia: More Like This

Which Black Panther ran for mayor of Oakland, California during the heydey of the organization?

Open slots: 999,983 Completed: 0%

Winners (43)

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‘Hallelujah!!!’ Maxine Waters Rejoices That Trump Was Convicted In Hush Money Trial #AppFeed #News #Newsletter #Politics




Magazine Suggestions

"New African Woman"

The New African Woman offers intelligent, in-depth and inspirational features, news and visuals on a diverse range of issues that truly speak to and resonate with the modern Black woman. With expert analysis, insights and thought-leader interviews and OpEds, we celebrate every black woman’s diverse accomplishment and aspirations in all spheres.


  Why has your experiences on Blaqsbi been more Positive than Negative?!
