Huddle: Digital Political Platform Interest Group
Digital Political Platform Interest Group

Digital Political Platform Interest Group


Throwback post. 2020-09-14 06:14:04.

What Black America need is a Political Interest Group of about 30 million members.

What is a political Interest Group?
A formal or informal association of people seeking to influence governmental policy in favor of their interests; interest groups may represent social causes, economic and corporate interests, or religious and ideological interests.

We need to organize a political Interest Group so we can create an Issue Network.

What is a Issue Network?

A group of individuals, public officials, and interest groups that form around a particular issue, usually a proposed public policy that they wish to support or defeat.

With a Political Interest Group we can lobby politicians.

What is Lobbying?

Seeking to influence a public official on an issue; an interest group with a particular agenda may be known as its "lobby," for example "the tobacco lobby."

This is what needs to be done to end police brutality and systematic racism in America.

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