Huddle: Fatherhood Engagement Service
Fatherhood Engagement Service

Fatherhood Engagement Service


Throwback post. 2021-05-24 10:09:29.

Today I am thinking and Writing for Black Fathers to be encouraged by digging deeply into my own heart authentically asking myself why do I want to do thus now after being a dad for 44 years?

How can two eyes become one? This camera image created the idea of focus on changing ONE THING!

Being taught by others, influenced, disciple, coached, admonished, corrected, challenged, something about my character directly revealed
, verbally called out (in public), are like bullets being shot towards me.

In the ghetto growing up in Chicago, I have memories of past traumas; they are not specific. These words, when I hear them, are sort of re-traumatizing the triggers inside my heart and mind.

Therefore, what I have become or yet to become. These traumatic experiences were profound in my heart, and as a result of this reflection, I brought the mindset to California in March of 1979!

In Feb 2018, my new psychiatrist told me in our first meeting that I did not have bipolar disorder.

He calmly said, you have (PTSD) in your life because of what you saw, heard, experienced.

To my surprise, in this one hour I spent with you, and from my experience, this is what you need medication for, PTSD Anxiety and Worry.

Anxiety? PTSD? Worry? Wait; what? Me? Upon hearing this from the psychiatrist, it felt like a real earthquake.

My mind was shaky, as if the real earth was moving, and I could not control what I was hearing from him!

These new words presented to me saddened me. Why?

In 2005, I was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder so, I thought I was living one way and was taught, told, and medicated for something that was not true, so 15 years later, I am supposed just to say, okay, I guess your right. You are Dr.

Now it's 2020, and in hindsight, I had to change my focus and internal dialogue I was having with myself.

Concurrently, he prescribed a new medication. When I realize the books I began to read or listen to also changed. My two eyes became one focus.

Now it's the COVID-19 pandemic if 2020 and time to pivot and change in a new direction mentally.

I was going back to the idea that I vowed never to allow to happen to me. God knows for how many years I vowed to hold this belief.

Never let someone else direct, influence, disciple, or point out anything unless you have proven to me (that you) know, like, and trust my heart.

Not just with words, appointments, or throwing out spiritual ideas, concepts in a once a week conversation like you are the therapist.

So recently, God showed me that there are trigger words that create anxiety, worry, fear, hurt, and pain (memories growing up in the ghetto that prevents my mental survival so that I feel safe)

Trigger words that set up defensive mental walls to reject and protect my heart.

If they are directly used in my presence out loud in front of others, and I am in a group and can not get out of that moment, then protection mode arises.

Or when the to e directed at me without love first being shown to me where I believe they are not used to harm me, then I feel safe.

Here are the words and phrases that trigger me towards defending my heart

A) ”Being taught by others,
B) influenced,
C) disciple,
D) coached,
E) chastised,
G) directly pointed out,
H) verbally called out (in public) are like bullets being shot towards me. I go into defensiveness.

I decided thought out the year
For me to be faithful, hopeful, and love, I have to put it in the context of time and just be God-focused each hour moment by moment, so here’s my effort. I hope it encourages you.

Change is the one clear idea ideology that I will change the vow, what vow I made years ago, which increased my hearts’ defensive position and even locked God out.

My desire today is to become focused on allowing God to break through my protective walls of defensiveness.

Next, allow me to be coached directly with words I can not control others who want to share, impart, or increase my dependence on God. God can walk me through the valley of my internal pain, fears, and anxieties.

For me to be faithful, hopeful, and love, I have to put it in the context of time and just be God-focused each hour moment by moment, so here’s my effort. I hope it encourages you

Matthew 24:12 ERV
[12] There will be so much eviler in the world that most believers' love will grow cold, but the one who remains faithful to the end will be saved.

Faith 6AM

7:00 AM - Giving with Faith
8:00 AM - Listening with Faith
9:00 AM - Loving with Faith
10:00 AM - Serving with Faith


Noon - Hope

3 John 1:14 ERV
I hope to visit you soon. Then we can be together and talk.

1:00 PM - Giving to Hope
2:00 PM - Listening to Hope
3:00 PM - Loving to Hope
4:00 PM - Serving to Hope


6 PM Loving -
7:00 PM - Giving - through suffering
8:00 PM - Listening - through change
9:00 PM - Loving - through stability
10:00 PM - Serving - through God

Black Fathers Are Influencers
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Brian Hill

Brian Hill @Bossmobility 

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Marketplace Items




  The Last African Worldviews Session - Open Table Discussion.


When: 2024-06-08 12:00:00: Saturday June 8, 2024 (12:00 PM - 3:00 PM) - EDT (America/New York)
Duration: 3 hours
Add to Calendar: Google | Yahoo | Outlook.com | Device

Online: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84428606485

Responses: 4 plan to attend · 0 maybe · 1 declined

The Last African Worldviews Session - Open Table Discussion.  - June 8, 2024
Open table discussion.

We look forward to hear your viewpoint.

Event Type: Community

Funding Requests

Hi everyone I am a student seeking for your help I need money to pay my hostel and schools fees. Please I need help and the registration will be closed tomorrow morning
Musa Adam Isa is requesting 10,000 in donation.
Most recent donors:
Donated 100 - 2024-03-14 00:30:06
Donated 100 - 2024-02-18 14:07:17
Donated 50 - 2024-02-17 11:31:40
Donated 10 - 2024-02-17 11:09:42
Donated 100 - 2024-02-17 06:56:35
Good evening sir
Donated 1 - 2024-02-17 06:26:55
Donated 5 - 2024-02-17 06:21:00
Donated 2 - 2024-02-17 04:52:07

368 Received

4% collected:
Goal: 10,000

Podcast/radio Shows

"The Professionals You Should Know- "An avocado wont stop an asthma attack!" - Nutritional Medicine Consultant & Pharmacist"

Today we sat down with the lovely Susanna Fall who is a Nutritional Medicine Consultant & Pharmacist. She was kind enough to share with us her background as a Pharmacist, her passion in relation to physical and nutritional health, as well as her personal story of how she was able to make significant changes to both mind and body. Her dedication and passion to help others to lead a happy and healthy life are admirable and I hope that you enjoy this episode as much as we did learning all we could about Susanna and her work

R3 Physiotherapy: "An avocado wont stop an asthma attack!" - Nutritional Medicine Consultant & Pharmacist

Book Suggestions


Intended to cut clean through the oppression imposed upon the mainstream by society’s “intellectual superstructure,” this collection of revolutionary essays by literary and cultural legend Amiri Baraka raises numerous issues concerning contemporary African American life. The socially conscious will appreciate the creative analyses and stimulating critiques on display here, buoyed by Baraka’s distinctive, bold, and aggressive opinions about the ways our culture bestows ignorance upon the ignorant merely to exploit them. Further developing the ideals of black nationalism and social justice that put Baraka on the cultural map, these essays dissect the sedentary attitudes of the American majority to promote a finer tomorrow.




Terrible/Excellent Meter

Yaoundé is the economic capital of the republic of Cameroon. The city of Yaoundé is a place to be as the inhabitants are very welcoming. The town of Samuel Etoo fils the legendary footballer who has not only made Cameroon proud but Africa at large.There are beautiful sites worth visiting such as the waza park and the national museum. Yaoundé is the economic capital of the republic of Cameroon. The city of Yaoundé is a place to be as the inhabitants are very welcoming. The town of Samuel Etoo fils the legendary footballer who has not only made Cameroon proud but Africa at large.There are beautiful sites worth visiting such as the waza park and the national museum.

Challenge: Trivias

   How Well Do You Know Blacks in The Arts for 3 Trivia: More Like This

Guess the right answer to the question in the image above:

Open slots: 999,992 Completed: 0%

Winners (18)

2024-03-15 16:53:06
2024-03-09 23:06:15
2023-03-08 15:31:29
u@FC $A:C:ED
2023-01-20 11:06:55
u@FC $A:C:ED
2022-11-08 10:12:17


Louisiana Court Blocks Congressional Map That Fixed Racial Discrimination Against Black Voters After White Voters Sue, Claiming It Damaged Their ‘Personal Dignity’ #News #Politics




Magazine Suggestions

"New African Woman"

The New African Woman offers intelligent, in-depth and inspirational features, news and visuals on a diverse range of issues that truly speak to and resonate with the modern Black woman. With expert analysis, insights and thought-leader interviews and OpEds, we celebrate every black woman’s diverse accomplishment and aspirations in all spheres.


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