Huddle: Freedom By Any Means Necessary
Freedom By Any Means Necessary

Freedom By Any Means Necessary


Throwback post. 2019-06-02 15:57:45.


i posted this earlier , but I guess this site along with a few more supposed black sites are a lie also. because it has and was removed. and none of those sites were fb or instagram, or any other supposed white loving sites. anyhoo this is the face of the man that that did the mass shooting , who turned in his resignation earlier that day and came back. Now I suppose it was removed earlier because I showed no sympathy for the white people he killed , but sympaty for the 3 black ones. So I guess its ok to post on these sites as long as we show some type sympathy for white people getting their due comeuppance. But does this look like a guy who would do this ? BUT OBVIOUSLY THESE FOLKS HAD PISSED HIM OFF. He's college educated , nowhere on the police dangerous nigga blotter, which is all black men mostly, and from all accounts reserved and kept to himself , interacted when he had to which was daily because thats the type job he had. So all I can say is these people did something to piss this man off after being there 15 yrs , giving a 2 week notice , left came back and decided I guess "hell no " you folks drove me out , why should you be happy . I don't know, thats just supposition. Now if this site is going to be true to form , lets not get afraid and censor or you're about as worthless as fb and all the others when it comes to black people expressing how they feel. Now I hope i'm wrong and that post is just lost , but I didn't find it after I posted it once. But as I said this guy doesn't even have any type criminal record which they tried to find , so now they can't parade his picture over the news as some crazed negro thug from "da hood " but he was one of those , what white people thought was "a safe nigga " .FOOLED THEM. I suppose we'll never know why he did this, and again as I said when they let us know what was in his resignation letter we'll be able to decipher what was going on with him. But all I can say is there are a lot more like him out there . we black people are getting tired and fed up, but white people aren't listening . As I said I don't know if race played a factor or not, so I won't make that speculation as of now. But who knows.
lazareth moore

lazareth moore @lazmor  

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Marketplace Items




  The Last African Worldviews Session - Open Table Discussion.


When: 2024-06-08 12:00:00: Saturday June 8, 2024 (12:00 PM - 3:00 PM) - EDT (America/New York)
Duration: 3 hours
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Video Group Chat: https://blaqsbi.com/5pFk

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The Last African Worldviews Session - Open Table Discussion.  - June 8, 2024
Open table discussion.

We look forward to hear your viewpoint.

Event Type: Community

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Podcast/radio Shows

"Getting to the root of trauma - With Psychotherapist Kimberly-Anne Evans"

In this series we will be conversing with professionals from different industries, discussing their journey on how they became 'The Professionals You Should Know.

Today we sat down with Kimberly-Anne Evans who is a Psychotherapist. She sat with us to share her personal journey leading her down the path to her career today, and why she chose to specialise in childhood sexual abuse alongside anxiety and depression. She is doing such good work in her field and we are excited to share such an insightful episode with you all.

R3 Physiotherapy: Getting to the root of trauma - With Psychotherapist Kimberly-Anne Evans

Book Suggestions

"Don't Let Them Bury My Story: The Oldest Living Survivor of the Tulsa Race Massacre In Her Own Words"

Viola Ford Fletcher's memoir Don't Let Them Bury My Story vividly recounts the lasting impact of the Tulsa Massacre on her life. As the oldest survivor and last living witness of the tragic events that unfolded in 1921, she shares her testimony with poignant clarity. From the terror of her childhood as a seven-year-old fleeing the burning streets of Greenwood to her current role as a 109-year-old family matriarch seeking justice for the affected families, Mother Fletcher takes us on a journey through a lifetime of pain and perseverance. Her inspiring story is a powerful reminder that some wounds never fully heal, and we must never forget the lessons of our history.




Terrible/Excellent Meter

Yaoundé is the economic capital of the republic of Cameroon. The city of Yaoundé is a place to be as the inhabitants are very welcoming. The town of Samuel Etoo fils the legendary footballer who has not only made Cameroon proud but Africa at large.There are beautiful sites worth visiting such as the waza park and the national museum. Yaoundé is the economic capital of the republic of Cameroon. The city of Yaoundé is a place to be as the inhabitants are very welcoming. The town of Samuel Etoo fils the legendary footballer who has not only made Cameroon proud but Africa at large.There are beautiful sites worth visiting such as the waza park and the national museum.

Challenge: Trivias

   How Well Do You Know Blacks in Sports for 3 Trivia: More Like This

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2024-03-02 02:27:27
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2021-11-16 01:45:55
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2021-11-08 02:52:20
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2021-11-03 04:10:53
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2021-11-02 15:21:08


Death toll from southern Brazil rainfall rises with many still missing #News





Magazine Suggestions

"The Root"

The Root is an African American-oriented online magazine. It was launched on January 28, 2008, by Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Donald E. Graham. It was owned by Graham Holdings Company through its online subsidiary, The Slate Group.

In 2015, Graham Holdings sold The Root to Univision Communications.[3] The site was subsequently re-launched under the Kinja platform used by other Gizmodo Media Group (formerly Gawker Media) websites.

In July 2017, the blog, Very Smart Brothas, co-founded by Damon Young and Panama Jackson, became a vertical of The Root.

Danielle Belton was editor-in-chief at The Root between 2017 and 2021 ,when she was appointed editor of HuffPost.[6][7] On April 14, 2021 it was announced that Vanessa De Luca had been appointed editor-in-chief.


  As a black have what are the reasons to which you might hold any grudge against the white
