Member Invite Total: 200
This section provides a list of all the email verified and active* members Ashley Clark invited without Blaqard certification: 100.
This section provides a list of all the members Ashley Clark invited who have NOT verified their email address or are NO longer active. *
* Members inactive for more than 6 monts or with unverified email address do no qualify.
This section provides a list of all the members Ashley Clark invited who are NOT qualified referrals for suspicion of being fake. *
* Qualified referral means that the member has not been flagged as a fake profile, has a verified email address, has met the minimum required activity and engagement AND has signed into the platform at least 3(three) times within the last three months

FYI. Fake profiles have very distinct attributes. Some, but not all are: they have no profile picture, do not have any posts, do not follow anyone besides the defaults, have not viewed any content, or lifetime connected is less than 5 minutes. Ultimately, we consider a profile fake when it matches patterns determining that it was created solely for the purpose of increasing a member’s referral points.