Huddle: The Black Think 🧠 Tank
The Black Think 🧠 Tank

The Black Think 🧠 Tank


Throwback post. 2020-11-21 20:30:59.


There’s nothing sane about believing that a Bible that was brutally forced upon our enslaved ancestors will now set us free.

There’s also nothing sane of the fact that millions of African Americans now insist on calling themselves Real N!ggers, Bad Bitches, and Hoes.

Our Black culture has been deliberately turned upside down by white negative social engineering. We’ve been so busy focusing on the Bad Cops, and the Klans, that we’ve totally overlooked the white social engineering scientists.

They’re actually the worst threat we now face, because they negatively guide our culture while making us believe we’re guiding ourselves.


During the 1960’s African Americans were calling each-other Brothers and Sisters and unified Black protests against the U.S. systems of institutionalized white racism was unprecedented. African Americans confronted it on all fronts. It was confronted through civil disobedient tactic, militant means, non violent protest, and with Black lawyers pleading for equality within America’s highest Supreme Court. African Americans unified protest still remains unrivaled by any other group in U.S. history.

In the face of the unprecedented unified Black protest during the 1960’s, FBI director J. Edger Hoover said that the unification of the American Negro was the greatest threat against the nation. To remedy what was then called the “Negro Problem” in 1967 President Lyndon Johnson put together a committee called the Kerner Commission.

Their assignment was to study the Negro problem, find the cause of the problem, and then develop a solution. In 1968 the Kerner report concluded. The commission determined that the decade’s unprecedented Black protest was due to an elevated and unifying Black self esteem brought on by the emergence of the Black pride movement. So they therefore hired white social scientists and white propaganda designers to socially engineer the African American culture away from the unifying Black pride movement.


Most people naively believe that the media reflects our reality, but in truth it is more often we that imitate what we see and learn from the media. A group’s identity is greatly shaped by how they repeatedly see themselves depicted in the media. People often becomes those derogatory media depictions of themselves that they accept as being their reality. It’s a true science known as media social engineering.

Because the white society controls the media images of Black people this fact allows white social scientist and propaganda designers to negatively steer the African American culture. Their ability to steer Black culture through media social engineering is immensely powerful.

So much in fact, that if these men wanted Black youths to start walking around daily with a yellow combs in their left rear pockets, all they would have to do is hire Black actors, place them in several rap music videos, movies and TV shows with the yellow comb in their pockets being depicted as very cool and trendy. In doing so our Black youths would then imitate it and insist that the trend was started by themselves -although it was in fact actually not.

The style and behavior was actually learned from what they repetitively saw in the media. It was secretly created by white media social engineering scientist and propaganda designers.

Whoever controls a people’s media images controls their culture.
- Allen Ginsberg

When these white social engineering scientists creates trends and customs for Black youths to imitate they deliberately create those that gets our Black youths acting and dressing as caricatures that reinforces resentment and anti black prejudicial perceptions.

Moreover, those images that reinforces many negative and racist stereotypes about Black people. Black youths becomes the caricatures of the derogatory images and stereotypes they accept. Because African Americans were stripped of their true identity and culture during the enslavement of their ancestors they’re much more susceptible to negative media social engineering.


White social engineering scientist took the word of "n #gger" a words once reviled and deemed deeply offensive by millions of African Americans, and not only desensitized many to the word, but also manipulated millions to now perceive the word as a term of endearment.

The n #gger terminology was originally indoctrinated into the African American culture many decades ago long before the hip hop music industry was created. It was originally done so by using the movie industry.
Most people think that movies are made for nothing more than entertainment.

That never was the case. The greatest social messages are promoted through movies. Social norms promoted through films can influence the way of thinking and the “cognitive map” of the populated audience. In a normal conversation when using logic and facts your guard is naturally up.

But when your watching a movie there's no debate, your guard is down, the sensor part of your brain is not in action, it isn’t saying yes I agree with this, or I disagree with that like you would in a debate or a conversation. You’re actually in an alpha state being completely downloaded with ideas and images.

This programming system was used to convinced millions of Black movie watchers, during the late 60's and early 70's,that they were niggers.
Those Blacks exploitive films were well received by many African American audiences because they provided them with cinematic Black heroes on the silver screen in a portrayal unseen in most Hollywood pictures prior to that time.

Therefore, African Americans flocked to the theaters in droves to see themselves being represented as heroes on the big screen. Many Black audiences, believing that those fictional movie characters were true, accurate representation of their group as a collective whole began imitating what they saw in the movies -this included calling themselves niggers.

Through this system millions of Black people were socially engineered to perceive themselves as being n #ggers.


Words put a spell upon our subconscious mind. We psychologically become what we call ourselves ourselves. It’s why men that call themselves N!ggers are more likely to engage in a fight than to avoid one. It’s why women that calls themselves bitches often becomes stubbornly unreasonable. It’s also the reason why 90% of men sagging are also the same ones calling themselves N!ggers.

They’re sagging because they believe that’s how N!ggers are supposed to dress. Words have power; we become what we call ourselves. This is a psychological phenomenon that white social engineering scientist have thoroughly researched.

We also treat others based upon the words we assign upon them. When we call others by negative terms we dehumanize them which makes it easier to mistreat them.

Case and Point: During the Vietnam war to ease the American soldiers anxieties about torturing and killing the Vietnamese soldiers they were taught to refer to them as Chinx, Gooks, and Kongs. This dehumanized them and made it easier to kill and torture them.

This is why men that refers to women as bitches, and hoes have a higher tendency to mistreat them. This is also the reason why white oppressive forces socially engineered millions of African Americans to call themselves n #ggers through media manipulation. It makes it easier to kill each other.

Have you ever closely listened whenever a Black man speaks of a previous fight against another Black man? As he presents the details of the fight he will say that I hit that N!gger, I kicked that N!gger, I shot that N!gger etc, etc.. the term “that N!gger” is actually being used to dehumanize the other Black man.

If you then ask the speaker to retell the details of the fight using his Black opponents name, or by replacing the term of “that N!gger” with “my Brother” he will then find it difficult to do so. The more brutal that he fought the more difficult it becomes to tell the story without dehumanizing his opponent. He may even become angry for being asked to tell the story without dehumanizing his opponent. When we assign negative word upon someone, we dehumanize them which makes it easier to mistreat them.

They have placed an elaborate self deprecating spell upon our subconscious minds with the word nigger. The white prison industry is also filled with Black men that have been programmed to believe that they're real niggas. White social engineering scientist deliberated programmed millions of Blacks people to believe that they're n #ggers to achieve this agenda.

Many African Americans are now saying that we should call ourselves Negus. It’s an ancient Ethiopian word meaning King. However, given that there are literally thousands of languages and dialects in Africa; and each one of them have a word that means King, don't you therefore find it suspicious that the only one that's being spread throughout our Black communities is the word "Negus"--the one word that just happens to sound exactly like niggers.

To believe that this is merely a incredible coincident is extremely naive. The ignorant, naive, and gullible are always the easiest victims of the white man’s propaganda schemes.

Africa literally has thousands of words and dialects also meaning King. Here’s the reason we’re only hearing about Negus. Millions of African Americans were deliberately socially engineered to call themselves N!ggers by white oppressive forces.

Words do have power.

Words put a spell upon your subconscious mind. We function based upon the words we assign to ourselves. This is why women that proclaims themselves as being bitches often becomes stubbornly unreasonable. It's also why men that proclaim themselves as being thugs are more likely to engage in a fight than to avoid it.

Assigning negative words onto a people subconsciously conditions them to accept a subordinate status within the society.

This is why white social scientists socially engineered millions of African Americans to call themselves N!ggers.

Then to add further insult to this fact, they then manipulated them to believe that it was their own decision to call themselves N!ggers.

The word Negus is being to used to keep African Americans under the psychological spell cast by the original N word - because the subconscious mind doesn’t see the different spelling.


It’s no strange occurrence that many Black people are now self loathing, perceive themselves as being their own worst enemies, and reveres Caucasians - in spite of such a brutal history to the contrary. These thoughts- that clearly benefits the white society - were deliberately indoctrinated into the minds of millions of Black people through media subliminal programming.

The white media’s unrelenting negative depictions of Black people— that amplifies the negative to the point that it distorts our reality—is more than just bias media reporting. It is actually a Black Racially Demoralizing Divide and Conquer psychological warfare campaign.

Demoralizing Divide and Conquer is the method of maintaining control over a targeted population through unrelenting demoralization in order to create self-hate and division between them. Because whenever the oppressed are divided and made self loathing this makes them much more easier to control. It’s how the white oppressive society prevent us from unifying against them.

This system is deplored like a massive media marketing campaign that constantly subjects Black people to seeing only the fraudulent worst within themselves. Within this system fraudulent black racially demoralizing propaganda is pumped unrelentingly into the unsuspecting minds of Black populations--without being challenged or counterbalanced by an equal amount Black positive racially affirming information. It works upon the concept that the mind’s perceptions can be altered by controlling the information given to it.

Since information directly influences our thoughts and given that all information about Black people are controlled by white people this allows white people to negatively control what Black people believes about themselves. Its weapon is the message that it carries. It conveys the subliminal message that Black people are there own worst enemy and therefore needs whites to govern over their lives. Moreover, that Black people should admire, respect, and trust only Whites.

This system is extremely effective because when Black people are repetitively presented these noted narratives from trusted white media sources it can be very difficult to resist it's implied programming. Especially when the propaganda is being told daily and so unrelentingly. With time, being unable to refute the constant negative information about themselves, many Black people eventually comes to accept them.

They unconsciously influences how many within the Black population perceives themselves, creating division and self hatred among themselves.

This condition prevents Black people from unifying against the white oppressive society.

More specifically: keeping Black people believing the fraudulent worst about themselves is how white oppressive forces subdue and controls Black people. This system of control utilizes the immense power that shame has upon the human mind to mentally enslave millions of Black people.

In fact no group can be constantly inundated with negative demoralizing misinformation about themselves and not suffer some adverse effect. No matter how capable the mind may be its reliability is only as great as the information being fed to it.

If it’s possible to control the information that is fed in the human mind it is entire possible to control what a person believes. In this way human-beings are very much like computers. All you have to do is repeatedly give them particular information and you can persuade an entire population towards an implied objective. It doesn't matter if the information is true or not most will respond within a similar manner just so as long as they’ve accepted it to be true.

This brainwashing system is so effective that there are Black people that will insist that their negative assessment of their entire race is absolutely accurate.

However, those Black people that presently makes negative generalization about their entire race cannot actually validate these statements based upon their own personal experiences. Those that insist that they can are not critically thinking or they’re delusional.

Because it is not humanly possible to assess the collective state of millions of people based upon anyone’s individual experiences. These negative perceptions about our entire race were actually deliberately indoctrinated into the minds of many Black people by deceptive white sources.

When you’re told a lie enough time it becomes a part of your reality. You begin to only see those things that appears to confirm the lie. White oppressive forces thoroughly studied this mental phenomenon and weaponized it against Black people.

This psychological warfare program works so well in fact that it not only makes Black people more compliant with white dominance over their lives, it in fact makes many even prefer it.It is at the root of both the feeling of self hatred now afflicting so many Black people and is at the heart of internalized feelings of superiority that many whites possess.

“The oppressed will always believe the (fraudulent) worse about themselves.”
— Franz Fanon

By Franklin Jones, The Black People’s Matrix.
To learn more visit my www.theblackpeoplematrix. com #insaneworld #crazyworld #yournotcrazy #yournotinsane
André D. Henderson, Sr.

André D. Henderson, Sr. @Andre D Henderson Sr  

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Marketplace Items




  The Last African Worldviews Session - Open Table Discussion.


When: 2024-06-08 12:00:00: Saturday June 8, 2024 (12:00 PM - 3:00 PM) - EDT (America/New York)
Duration: 3 hours
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Online: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84428606485

Responses: 4 plan to attend · 0 maybe · 1 declined

The Last African Worldviews Session - Open Table Discussion.  - June 8, 2024
Open table discussion.

We look forward to hear your viewpoint.

Event Type: Community

Funding Requests

Hallo everyone I am starting a community project to help needy children in our our slums by providing them with free sanitary towels ,since majority come from poor families who can't afford the sanitary towels leave alone having three decent meals in a day .majority of the girls are forced to stay away from school during their mens and missing on learning time which affect their grades .
Paul Mwaura is requesting 10,000 in donation.
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Donated 5 - 2024-02-17 05:49:41
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Goal: 10,000

Podcast/radio Shows

"The Professionals You Should Know- "An avocado wont stop an asthma attack!" - Nutritional Medicine Consultant & Pharmacist"

Today we sat down with the lovely Susanna Fall who is a Nutritional Medicine Consultant & Pharmacist. She was kind enough to share with us her background as a Pharmacist, her passion in relation to physical and nutritional health, as well as her personal story of how she was able to make significant changes to both mind and body. Her dedication and passion to help others to lead a happy and healthy life are admirable and I hope that you enjoy this episode as much as we did learning all we could about Susanna and her work

R3 Physiotherapy: "An avocado wont stop an asthma attack!" - Nutritional Medicine Consultant & Pharmacist

Book Suggestions

"The Mantle of Struggle A Biography of Black Revolutionary Rosie Douglas"

Rosie Douglas, former prime minister of Dominica, had a life unlike any other modern politician. After leaving home to study agriculture in Canada, he became a member of the young Conservatives, under the Canadian prime minister’s guidance. However, after he moved to Montreal to study political science his politics started to shift. By the late sixties he was an active civil rights supporter and when Black students in Montreal began to protest racism in 1969, he helped lead the sit-in. He was identified as a protest ringleader after the peaceful protest turned into a police riot, and served 18 months in prison.




Terrible/Excellent Meter


Not tolerant of views that are culturally harmless. Not tolerant of views that are culturally harmless.

Challenge: Trivias

   Black history: Who Said for 3 Trivia: More Like This

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Dutchman Slot confirms he is taking Liverpool job next season #Sports




Magazine Suggestions

"New African Woman"

The New African Woman offers intelligent, in-depth and inspirational features, news and visuals on a diverse range of issues that truly speak to and resonate with the modern Black woman. With expert analysis, insights and thought-leader interviews and OpEds, we celebrate every black woman’s diverse accomplishment and aspirations in all spheres.


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