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   Name the Celebrity for 3 Trivia: More Like This

Guess the name of the person in the image above.

Open slots: 19,999,999 Completed: 0%

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2024-01-13 11:49:46
Medgar Parks

Medgar Parks @medgarparks   

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Our mission is to be the ultimate media platform where black people can speak freely and share ideas without fear of censorship. Let’s huddle together to share knowledge, to believe in our greatness and to inspire others towards unity.

We are the only black-owned networking platform in the world where you are rewarded for promoting black culture, pride and excellence.

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Marketplace Items




  The Last African Worldviews Session - Open Table Discussion.


When: 2024-06-08 12:00:00: Saturday June 8, 2024 (12:00 PM - 3:00 PM) - EDT (America/New York)
Duration: 3 hours
Add to Calendar: Google | Yahoo | Outlook.com | Device

Online: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84428606485

Responses: 4 plan to attend · 0 maybe · 1 declined

The Last African Worldviews Session - Open Table Discussion.  - June 8, 2024
Open table discussion.

We look forward to hear your viewpoint.

Event Type: Community

Funding Requests

Hallo everyone I am starting a community project to help needy children in our our slums by providing them with free sanitary towels ,since majority come from poor families who can't afford the sanitary towels leave alone having three decent meals in a day .majority of the girls are forced to stay away from school during their mens and missing on learning time which affect their grades .
Paul Mwaura is requesting 10,000 in donation.
Most recent donors:
Donated 5 - 2024-02-17 05:49:41
Donated 1 - 2024-02-17 05:36:35

6 Received

0% collected:
Goal: 10,000

Podcast/radio Shows

"The Professionals You Should Know"

In this series, we will be conversing with professionals from different industries, discussing their journey on how they became 'The Professionals You Should Know'.

In today's episode, we will be talking with award-winning Emile Vidal Carr. He will give us an insight into his day to day activities and responsibilities running a clothing company as well as his journey to get to where he is today.

R3 Physiotherapy: Designing for Kanye West - Emile Vidal Carr - Fashion Design Director

Book Suggestions

"The Mantle of Struggle A Biography of Black Revolutionary Rosie Douglas"

Rosie Douglas, former prime minister of Dominica, had a life unlike any other modern politician. After leaving home to study agriculture in Canada, he became a member of the young Conservatives, under the Canadian prime minister’s guidance. However, after he moved to Montreal to study political science his politics started to shift. By the late sixties he was an active civil rights supporter and when Black students in Montreal began to protest racism in 1969, he helped lead the sit-in. He was identified as a protest ringleader after the peaceful protest turned into a police riot, and served 18 months in prison.




Terrible/Excellent Meter


Tomorrow land wonderful place for humanity

Challenge: Trivias

   Influential Black Superheroes for 3 Trivia: More Like This

During and after his time in the Green Lantern Corps, John Stewart has become the first mortal Guardian of The Universe and leader of the peacekeeping troop named the........?

Open slots: 999,997 Completed: 0%

Winners (7)

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2024-03-17 05:54:36
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2022-09-26 05:05:32
2021-06-02 15:56:07
2021-05-28 15:37:56


Devout Christians: Conquering Spiritual Challenges – Steps to Achieve Christian Maturity. #BM #ChristianTalk #News #Opinion #SN #WeeklyColumns





Magazine Suggestions

"The Root"

The Root is an African American-oriented online magazine. It was launched on January 28, 2008, by Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Donald E. Graham. It was owned by Graham Holdings Company through its online subsidiary, The Slate Group.

In 2015, Graham Holdings sold The Root to Univision Communications.[3] The site was subsequently re-launched under the Kinja platform used by other Gizmodo Media Group (formerly Gawker Media) websites.

In July 2017, the blog, Very Smart Brothas, co-founded by Damon Young and Panama Jackson, became a vertical of The Root.

Danielle Belton was editor-in-chief at The Root between 2017 and 2021 ,when she was appointed editor of HuffPost.[6][7] On April 14, 2021 it was announced that Vanessa De Luca had been appointed editor-in-chief.


  In light of the fact that Racial Trauma in the forms of Transmitted Traumatic Stressors, Vicarious Traumatic Stressors, Direct Traumatic Stressors, Systemic Racism, and Individual Racism are all valid clinical stressors on the African community, DO YOU BELIEVE that African people should make it a priority to 1) Build monuments to memorialize and honor our ancestors while also asserting a true narrative of resistance and 2) Actively work to develop the framework, tools, and strategy to heal masses of African people across the diaspora?

In light of the fact that Racial Trauma in the...
In light of the fact that Racial Trauma in the...
