About: Bitcoin Miners
Bitcoin Miners

Bitcoin Miners

About Bitcoin Miners

The aims and objectives of this huddle are stated below, the sole purpose of creating this huddle are: 1) To create an avenue for everyone on the platform to in Bitcoin(BTC) which you can convert to any other crypto currencies of your choice. 2) To be the biggest and fastest growing community on this platform with benefits. 3) To share, teach and show you, the members to earn. To achieve this, no members are allowed to make posts irrelevant to the aims of this huddle on this huddle except with special permission from the admin therefore,all questions, contributions and answers must be made in the comment section of a post. NOTE: Any posts not related to the aims and objectives of this huddle will be permanently deleted. Please try as much as possible to adhere to these simple instructions, it will help us all to go far, get bigger and better. Thank God Thank blaqsbi Thank you all I look forward to working with you guys.

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2018-08-20 11:26:53