About: Black History Authentic Truth
Black History Authentic Truth

Black History Authentic Truth

About Black History Authentic Truth

You will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free Black people's true history and Spirituality. It is historically, scientifically, and truly proven that the first Man was black and that blacks were in fact in the first people on earth. And one of the plague and bane that still indoctrinates many black people minds today is religion. All those religions are fake beliefs, that were spread by force, wars, lies, falsification, by mass indoctrination and so on. The first Man (Moto) was black and life and civilization on earth started in Ancestral Africa (Wásē). All the Prophets were blacks, the true Christ was black. The only Teacher is Zouloula100, the only Mandated in this era to lead us to the Great Order of Things and Eternal Life. Lóba is the Only True and Unique Creator.

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2021-08-23 12:43:03